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Mentor: Ms. Theo Wan (Base Creative)

Jessie Ko


My job shadowing session took place at Base Creative, a firm which specializes in branding and marketing, from 25th to 26th July. During the period, I was able to get a clearer vision of the marketing and branding industry and explore deeply into the field. Throughout the period, I was engaged in different tasks and gained insights on how marketing and branding worked. Through completing different tasks, I gained experiences on how different types of branding techniques were used and promotional campaigns we re launched. I had the chance to design social media posts for a branding campaign, understand how companies ’ web sites were customized to create specific brand image, and learnt the essential components when branding a firm. The job shadowing session has been very valuable to me as it allowed me to obtain first-hand information about the industry. The guidance and advice from my mentor have given me valuable suggestions on this career field. I am sincerely grateful to Base Creative and our school for providing me with this opportunity.



Mentor: Mr. Bennet Wu (BBDO)

Karis Chung, Hilary Huang, Hilary Tsang & Summa Wong


On the first day, our mentor, Mr Wu introduced the BBDO advertising portfolio to us including Snickers, Vita lemon tea and Alibaba and gave us a brief idea on how an advertising agency company operates. Mr. Wu assigned us 2 realistic tasks, one being a competitive review for their client, Visa, and another is a creative ideation for the Visa X Sogo X 2020 Olympic games Campaign, which allowed us to incorporate ideas into an integrated proposal. Mr. Wu supported us throughout these four days by providing opportunities like meeting the CEO of BBDO HK, Mr. Tony Harris and a colleague from BBDO London. We’ve gained a lot of insight on the advertising industry and marketing techniques including interactions with clients and target audiences, like millennials and inbound customers. We also learnt about how an advertising company is structured. We are also exposed to new cases from all around the world, such as ‘Viva La Vulva’, a campaign from London which boosts women’s confidence in their own intimate area. We were extremely inspired by the creative ideas and utilized it as a reference for our own presentation.

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Summa Wong - photo2_Advertising-BBDO-Ben

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