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Mentor: Ms. Queenie Tso (10 Design)

Natalie Jim & Janviere Yau


Through this job shadowing experience we have gained valuable insights. In these four days, we were able to gain a deeper look into different types of architectures and the work of architects. We were glad to have an opportunity to work on a project of building a hotel under the guidance of our mentor. In the project, we have chosen the location and the theme of the hotel. We were taught to use the fume board to make different models. Throughout the project, changes were often made on the design . Model building was a useful method to present our hotel’s appearance. We summed up our project with a final presentation to our mentor. Moreover, this program gave us an opportunity to experience working in the field of architecture in a more realistic way. Chatting with our mentors about their work and listening to presentations taught us about good work ethics and motivation in the office. It was a realistic way to help us plan our future accordingly as we learned about whether or not our interests and personalities are complementary with the architecture career. In conclusion, we were glad to receive precious and valuable comments from our mentor. This experience surely widened our horizons.

Natalie  Jim - photo1_Architecture-Natal
Natalie  Jim - photo2_Architecture-Natal
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