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Mentor: Ms. Rebekka Fiedler (Hong Kong Dignity Institute)

Haruna Kajimoto & Rebecca Wahab


During our job shadowing from the 14th to 23rd of August 2023, we assisted in the operations of the Hong Kong Dignity Institute. This human rights law firm provides legal and psychological assistance to its clients. Their clients are typically victims of human trafficking, forced labor, and refugees. We were asked to assist in research regarding human trafficking and report our findings through presentations.


Over the week, we have gained insight into the challenges faced by refugees and asylum seekers in Hong Kong. We were also educated on the pressing issue of human trafficking around the globe and the psychological impact on the victims of trafficking. In particular, we were allowed to write a report on human trafficking involved in pig butchering scams. The team at HKDI gave us a lot of feedback and taught us skills to make our presentations more effective. These teachings would help improve our presentation skills, which would help us effectively convey our ideas to others in the future, whether in our daily lives or the workplace.


Overall, it was a memorable and fruitful experience that taught us much about current affairs and skills that will be valuable in our further studies in psychology.

Psychology-Hong Kong Dignity Institite__PHOTO1_Haruna Kajimoto & Rebecca Wahab _ 5S 3 Haru

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